Rabbit's Custom Computers!

Rabbit's Custom Computers
Jacksonville, Florida


The forms created on www.SimpleCorporateMinutes.com website are not legal advice; are not intended to replace legal advice, and were created according to state laws (see State law links for your state’s laws). The owner of this website is a corporation in existence since 1989, and one of its owners has extensive paralegal experience – having worked for attorneys in California, New York, Nevada, Idaho, Washington, Minnesota, South Carolina and Florida since 1978. She received her paralegal certificate from the American Institute of Paralegal Studies in 1986, and earned a B.A. from UNF in 2001.

No express or implied warranty is given as to the effectiveness of the Minute forms in the event of an IRS audit or litigation. Therefore, www.SimpleCorporateMinutes.com is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be legal advice. Should you have any questions of a legal nature, please consult an attorney or accountant.

"Where Minutes are really simple."

This is not legal advice - - nor is it intended to replace legal advice.
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