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Rabbit's Custom Computers
Jacksonville, Florida




Thank you for your interest in SimpleCorporateMinutes.com. It is our goal to make it easy and inexpensive for you to keep your Minutes and business records current.

The forms have been created to make it as simple as possible, and to conform with State laws (see statutes in State Law link). Once you purchase and download the forms, simply place the cursor over a blank, and suggestions will pop up on how to fill in that blank. Additional suggestions are listed in the FAQ’s. That’s all there is to it.

First and foremost are the Minutes of Annual Meeting of Shareholders and Directors for a corporation. We even include a Waiver of Notice for the meeting.

Although Minutes are not required by statute for LLC’s, any professional would certainly agree that it is a good business practice, and one that could help with future disagreements among members. For only $25.00, why not?

Should you wish to document a corporate or LLC action without the necessity of a meeting, use the Written Consent form. There is one for corporations, and one for LLC’s. Documenting company decisions is an excellent way to avoid shareholder or member disputes in the future

There is even a form for fictitious-name businesses. We believe that some type of formal records would help fictitious name businesses by documenting its business activities in written form. Imagine if you could instantly produce annual records of your business activities. For only $25.00, why not?

Additional future forms will include Initial Minutes, Special Meeting Minutes, Homeowner Association Minutes, and even Instructions on how to put a corporate book together.

No express or implied warranty is given as to the effectiveness of the Minute forms in the event of an IRS audit or litigation. By downloading the forms, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, and hereby specifically acknowledge and agree that in no event shall SimpleCorporateMinutes.com and Impressions And Company, Inc.’s total liability for any and all damages arising out of the use of the Minute forms exceed the amount of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00), or the cost of the forms, whichever is greater.



Custom Forms available at your request.

"Where Minutes are really simple."

This is not legal advice - - nor is it intended to replace legal advice.
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